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文/ Avah S.12年级
是积极的. 这听起来太老套了,不是吗? 然而,, 几周前, 我发现自己给了我的一个朋友这样的建议, ,天啊, 我是不是一开口就恨自己. 当我得到这个建议时,我知道, 我畏缩着,翻白眼, 因为说出来很容易, 而且很难付诸行动.

每天,我们都在做出选择. These decisions do not necessarily have to do with what time we choose to leave our room to go to breakfast or what clothes we choose to wear to sports, 但它们可以与更多的情感选择联系起来. 并不是当我们醒来的时候, we are faced with the decision to make today a good day or a bad day, 因为这对我们很多人来说是不现实的. But there are certain things you can do to change your outlook on the day or on an event or a commitment.

对我来说, I try to recall being little and marveling at life rather than picking out the things that weigh on me. 就像我妈妈告诉我的那样, 只有你有能力改变你的一天, 不管你在什么轨道上. 

再说一次,说起来容易做起来难. But recently, I have been working on trying to be more positive myself. I had been so comfortable living in my negativity that I had forgotten what positivity even felt like, 你每天要背着多少打火机. 当然, 有时候保持积极是很困难的, 尤其是当你被消极情绪包围的时候, 哪一点很容易从别人身上吸取. It is the easier option to feel negative when negativity is emanating from everyone else.

But have you realized how much more satisfying and rewarding it is to share in someone else’s positivity? I have always been grateful to the person who helped me feel more positive, 我希望我能成为别人的那个人, 只是为了照亮他们的一天.

对我来说, 这些人就是我当长官时的K教练, 奎因文学, 拉娜在勒巴伦的晚餐约会, 我们在图书馆聊天的时候, 我的整个顾问小组都在逗我笑, 格洛丽亚《manbetx万博全站app》, Mr. G,先生. 范戴克和查兹在Soundtrax俱乐部. 钱德勒和夫人. Hessian with our shared jokes, and I can’t forget Maddie and our job at the Tuck Shop. All of these individuals and more have helped brighten my day and have ultimately made it easier to be more positive. These people being a beacon for positivity has helped nudge me every day in the direction of positivity. And you can help yourself too, simply by putting a smile on your face. 

现在, I don’t want you all thinking this means you cannot be sad or feel anything other than joy, 因为这也是不现实的. 为了感受一切美好的事物, 你必须允许自己度过困难时期, 感受那些深沉而沉重的情绪,并欢迎它们. 允许自己给你感受到的每一种情绪赋予价值, 因为他们都来自某个地方,应该被欣赏. 它是一种能去感受和被感动的礼物.

但是不要在这些麻烦的情绪上逗留太久, 不要让他们控制你, 因为你有能力改变你的观点, 而不是他们.

Going into your day remembering everything is temporary means that even the weight of challenges is also temporary. There is always room for light and joy, you just have to search a little harder for them sometimes. 感觉很难, 但作为一个情绪化的人, 我意识到你能感受到这么多, 所以,为什么要把自己限制在那些玷污你日常生活的感觉中呢? 

So, 进入比赛的最后一段, 也就是学校的最后一个学期, 为自己做点什么,并尽力去欣赏. Try to see things with a silver lining, because it relieves so much weight off your shoulders. Try something new, meet new people, and thank the ones who have been a beacon of light to you. 也许,甚至试着成为他们的灯塔. 